[CQ-Contest] SSB & CW On Same Band

Steve Lott lottsphoto at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 14:20:30 EDT 2017

Great question !!!

Eager to hear some answers


My Ham Radio Friends

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 8:54 PM, Tom Hellem <tom.hellem at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone successfully run 2 stations on same band, SSB &CW,
> without interference between the two? For example, FD or IARU.
> We have tried it several times and have always ended up with moderate
> to severe interference to the point that one  station had to qsy to
> another band.
> Obviously (I think) the filters that are in common use like Dune Star, ICE,
> NQN, etc. don't work because they are band pass filters. But has
> anyone designed/built a filter with sharp enough roll-off to make this
> work?
> Or, would a pair of K-3's , etc. fit the bill?
> Would love to hear from people that have made this work for them, and how
> they did it.
> 73
> Tom
> K0SN
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