[CQ-Contest] QSY

Matt NQ6N matt at nq6n.com
Thu Mar 23 11:14:14 EDT 2017

This is a great point, Jack. I've been thinking about this as well.
Perhaps there is some way to allow participants to both participate and act
as "coach" to a new participant, without obtaining benefits from the
coaching that offer an unfair advantage (such as extra sleep, finding extra
mults, etc).

I'd actually like to see a new category (or plaques) added to major
contests that incentivized the coaching and mentoring aspect of
contesting.  Stations that may not be competitive at the state or call
district level may still be significantly better than the stations that new
hams (or those new to contesting) would otherwise have the chance to

Matt NQ6N

*Unfortunately, this teaching experience is disallowed by the rule.*
Unless they happened to have brought their own transmitter from home.
Not likely.  Or you have to switch from SO to MS.  Not the plan.

I'd like to see this rule modified to be more amenable to bringing new
ops into the fray.

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