[CQ-Contest] So Sunday Sucked?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Nov 6 16:39:05 EST 2017

If ARRL contemplates any rule changes (nobody is saying they are) how about
this one?


Allow me to enter SS and actually send an exchange that says WHERE I


ie "NB"...hello ! It's a real Province.  Same as RI, WI or NV...


Not lump me into an arbitrary RAC section and have to send "MAR"?


MAR (NB, NS & PEI)...VE9, VE1 & VY2) are the only folks that have to do


I was going to get on and make as many QSO's as I could and send "NB" just
to be a sh!t disturber, but my beef is with antiquated ARRL rules

and not the competitors.


I am sure nobody cares as there were several on from (ahem) MAR for you to
pick up, but there would've been more individuals from NB, NS and PEI had
this rule been changed years and years ago to match the change in the
licensing in the early 1990's


Mike VE9AA "NB"

p.s.-I boycott CQP now for the same reason.  Pretty much every other contest
allows me to send "NB" (a real place !)


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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