[CQ-Contest] Jamboree On The Air this weekend

nf8m at arrl.net nf8m at arrl.net
Fri Oct 20 09:31:17 EDT 2017

This weekend is the 60th running of the world's largest Scouting event, 
Jamboree On The Air.

It's also a great opportunity to demonstrate the thrill of radiosport to 
young people and many potential amateurs.

JOTA usually coincides with the Illinois and New York QSO parties, the 
Worked All Germany contest and a few others. When we are demonstrating 
amateur radio to Scouts, we usually come across participants in these 
contests who most graciously slow their rate and patiently make a contact 
with a young person, even taking a minute to describe their location and 
give their name - and even their own Scouting experiences - outside the 
required contest exchange. And when we work contesters, we submit a log.

If you're calling CQ Contest this weekend and hear a shy young voice come 
back, thank you for taking the time to work him or her and to show them 
one exciting aspect of our great hobby.


Frank Maynard, NF8M
nf8m at arrl.net

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