[CQ-Contest] The best CQWW....

ko7ss at yahoo.com ko7ss at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 25 12:41:43 EDT 2017

The CQWW RTTY this last weekend was great. Lots of activity, lots of mults, and everyone works
everyone for points. The band maps were full for the whole 48 hours, and it's easy to keep the
butt in the chair when there are people to work. More people on the air = more contacts = more
fun for everyone.

As the sunspots decline, this will not be the case for the CQWW CW, at least in the western
half of the US. Other than a few hours of JA and EU openings there is almost nothing, and no
reason to stay on the radio.

What could possibly be the problem with more contacts = more fun in the CQWW CW?

73, Bill KO7SS, Mt Lemmon,AZ

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