[CQ-Contest] Certificates for ARRL DX - a great motivator for new contesters

Dave Edmonds dave at pkministrywebs.com
Sat Apr 7 10:45:26 EDT 2018

The "Opt-out" certificate feature gives the operator the ability to make
the choice. This is the best way to solve the 'who gets a certificate'

With the ARRL searchable scores database, it's not as mysterious as it used
to be because results are available prior to certificates being sent. If
the certs were sent before the results were posted on the website, then
receiving one would be much more meaningful to the recipient.  I remember
receiving my first contest certificate from the ARRL for the 1978 Novice
Roundup. This was a reminder of my win and gave me the incentive to work
more contests.

73s Dave WN4AFP

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 11:15 AM, Michael Adams <mda at n1en.org> wrote:

> My $0.02: I'd like to see the Cabrillo "certificate" field adopted and
> honored, with the default being to send the certificate.
> I'll admit that I was amused to get two certificates in the mail for last
> year's ARRL DX CW:  my semi-serious effort from home apparently won my tiny
> class, and the 90 minutes I spent Sunday afternoon operating a remote
> station in KP4 (because I was getting bored) also apparently won a
> different tiny class.
> I can see new or casual operators getting a kick out of them...and if they
> were delivered a week or two before the next running, they make good
> advertising/reminders.
> But for more serious/consistent contesters who may have large collections
> of certificates, or for those of us who strive for paperlessness, the
> ability to opt out (or to get a pdf) would be nice.
> --
> Michael Adams | mda at n1en.org
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Dave Edmonds
PK Ministry Webs
dave at pkministrywebs.com

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