[CQ-Contest] Summary of Software and Transceivers used by WRTC teams

Bob Burns W9BU w9bu_lists at rlburns.net
Mon Aug 6 07:43:45 EDT 2018

Bob, I put together my own list, but only looked at the top 10 finishers.

Among the top 10 finishers, there were 7 Yaesus, 6 Icoms, 4 Elecrafts, 
and 3 Kenwoods.

Also, among the top 10 finishers, 6 of them used Wintest and 4 used N1MM 

One of my elmers points out that doing well in this event has a lot more 
to do with the skill of the operators than the tools they are using. He 
also points out that slight differences in propagation and the noise 
level at each site are also a factor.

This elmer goes on to say that in any ham population with a large 
concentration of Europeans, you will find less interest in Elecraft and 
N1MM Logger+.

Does a 200 watt radio running at 100 watts provide more "talk power" on 
phone than a 100 watt radio? Boy, I don't know. If that's true, then 
further defining the power limits may be something for the organizers to 
look at.


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