[CQ-Contest] Define Assistance in 25 words or less

ktfrog007 at aol.com ktfrog007 at aol.com
Sun Aug 12 20:24:59 EDT 2018

Hi Hank,

I can remember the barely legible logs that I had to transcribe after the contests.  Sometimes that's where the dupe sheet came in handy.  I might be able to make out the call there, if not in the log itself.  Occasionally, I could remember the call, especially if it was well known.  Of course, if it was well known, maybe I didn't bother duping it, especially in the SS with only one QSO per station.  I could trust my memory back then.  

Then you had to mail it in and who knows if it got there?  

Ken, AB1J

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Greeb <n8xx at arrl.org>
To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sun, Aug 12, 2018 10:51 pm
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Define Assistance in 25 words or less

That brings up the 1956 (OR '57) ARRL CW Sweepsteaks.  I operated from WØANA, University of Denver ARC, Single Op, Single Transmitter (it was a Johnson Navigator, I seem to remember), and separate NC-300 (probably) receiver.  I remember placing 2nd in Colorado, to my amazement!Logging was on paper.  Our school didn't have a computer until '59, it was a Burroughs 1K memory, with tube flip flops and memory banks.Should we go back to those daze?I'd bet that would reduce the number of contestants.And, maybe All dozen of us could ALL work each other.  :)72/73 de n8xx HgQRP >99.44% of the timeOn 8/12/2018 12:47 PM, ktfrog007 at aol.com wrote:>> I'd add in transceivers and SSB.  Try a phone contest sometime on AM > with separate TX and RX. Log and dupe with paper and pencil (and > eraser).  Those were manly contests.>_______________________________________________CQ-Contest mailing listCQ-Contest at contesting.comhttp://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

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