[CQ-Contest] At least four more years of solar minimum?

Yuri Blanarovich k3bu at optimum.net
Sat Dec 8 11:39:32 EST 2018

Big question mark, 
we are heading to another sunspot minimum or quite possibly another 
Maunder - deeep cycles minimum, possibly lasting few cycles. Happened 
once in 1650 -1750.
Maybe God answer to all those alarmist, tax raising Global Warming:  
"Complained about Global warming? Here you get dose of Global and Space 

I tried to bring this up in my article at

Global Scam, aka "Global Warming" - "Climate Change."

Only to be outshouted by the "95% of scientists" and politicians craving 
our $$.

Besides weird propagation modes, we are already witnessing extreme 
changes in weather patterns and swings in temperatures. Future could be 
gloomier than NOA predictions. We haven't been there before, not in our 
life time. Some real scientists are already speculating about Maunder 

73 and stay warm!

Yuri, K3BU.us  VE3BMV   VE1BY

On Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 12:50 AM, donovanf at starpower.net wrote:

> NOAA updated its predictions for smoothed sunspot numbers and solar 
> flux through the end of 2022. As of last month, their predictions 
> ended in 2019. Their prediction shows a smoothed sunspot number of 10 
> for December 2018, declining to 2 in July 2020 through January 2021, 
> then 1 during February 2021 through January 2022, and 0 after that and 
> through at least the end of 2022. 
> www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression I hate predictions, 
> especially about the future... 73 Frank W3LPL
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