[CQ-Contest] Robotic contest operating, why knot?

Peter Sundberg sm2cew at telia.com
Tue Dec 18 09:16:41 EST 2018

How cool is it to have worked nobody?????

And take credit for an award??

Or credit for a contest QSO??

OMG. Totally ridiculous. Not impressed.

Peter SM2CEW

At 04:59 2018-12-18, Jim Brown wrote:
>On 12/17/2018 4:10 PM, Dennis Moore wrote:
>>Look up KH6JF/MM. It was an FT8 system floating on a raft, no 
>>operator in control. Apparently made thousands of QSOs, including me on 20m.
>Yes, very cool. W6OAT and I are among ops who chase CQ Fields, and 
>the ones that are all water are a challenge. Both of us worked this 
>station for a new field! And for those who won't bother to go read 
>about it, WSJT-X standing alone can only be set to will only answer 
>one station responding to its own CQ and complete one QSO. The 
>automation to reset that process was provided by programming of the 
>computer running WSJT-X.
>73, Jim K9YC
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