[CQ-Contest] MMTTY Engine Display

Bud Governale w3llbud at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 16:19:28 EST 2018

Additional info: If I grab either the left or right side of the MMTTY
engine display and nudge it ever so slightly (or a lot) the empty XY Scope
division disappears and I have full signal and waterfall display without
the wasted space on the right.

Note: My logging program DX4WIN also uses the MMTY engine for working RTTY.
It's configuration points to the MMTTY program as does N1MM+.
DX4WIN also has the same display characteristics with the wasted right side
space and responds also with a slight pull on the left of right side of the

However, on a restart the display issue returns requiring a left side or
right side width pull.

Anyone with a fix?


Bud W3LL

On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 1:55 PM Bud Governale <w3llbud at gmail.com> wrote:

> Old WIN7 computer died.
> I'm installing N1MM+ from scratch onto a new WIN10 computer.
> My issue lies with the MMTTY engine display for both VFOA and VFOB.
> 1. The engine display in stand alone MMTTY shows both the waterfall and
> signal running the full width from left to right and the display having the
> familiar depression in the middle between the two vertical bars..
> 2. The MMTTY engine display in N1MM+ is different. It reserves the right
> side of the display for the XY scope. If I check XY scope in View it places
> the XY signal in this reserved right portion of the engine display.
> 3.If I uncheck XY scope the XY signal disappears but the waterfall and
> signal display do not expand to the full width of the MMTTY engine display.
> 4. Additionally the signal display has a small arrow pointing down where
> the normal depression would be. I also don't want to see this.
> I've read and tried everything but cannot get back to a full width display
> with no depression arrow and no space taken up for the reserved XY portion
> of the display.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Bud W3LL
> w3ll at arrl.net

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