[CQ-Contest] CQWW SSB 2017 Effective DQ

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sat Feb 3 12:12:27 EST 2018

What was the old Record?  I suppose I could poke around and find a 
really low score in some category to go after from Colorado. Now we are 
taking comments made in a log report 3830scores and it magically becomes 
evidence.  Contesting is starting to sound like the NFL.    So now 
nobody will use scoreboards or 3830scores for fear someone will take 
something they said to make a case against them.   Incredible.

Remember who was responsible for uncovering that little issue with TO1A 
or whatever the call was.  I am pretty sure that it was outsiders of the 


On 2/1/2018 8:01 AM, Ed Sawyer wrote:
> The contester that kicked off this thread made the following statement in
> his 3830 post - "Very happy with the final result. New *Claimed GM QRP
> I don't think this example qualifies as "folks who unexpectedly do well".
> I agree that it would be a nice gesture of the committee to allow someone
> who literally shows up - out of the blue - once - in the top 5 - and clearly
> shows no indication of "going for it" to be given the benefit of all doubts
> in the interest of the sport.
> If your "going for it", expect to have to follow the rules.
> Ed  N1UR
> N1EN  Stated
> "I think the point a few folks are making is that there are some casual
> participants who are simply in it to have fun.  They may be interested in
> their score, but they aren't necessarily striving to be better and better
> contesters.
> For that crowd, the folks who fill the logs of the folks getting Top 5
> finishes, you want as few impediments as possible to avoid discouraging them
> from participating and sending in their logs.
> That's why limiting the requirement of a recording to those entrants who can
> reasonably expect to be in the running for a top 5 finish makes a certain
> amount of sense, assuming of course that there is some allowance for folks
> who unexpectedly do well.
> I have no strong opinion on the merits of requiring a recording in the first
> place, aside from noting that it's surprisingly easy to comply with.
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