[CQ-Contest] Self Spotting Rules and Enforcement....

w5ov at w5ov.com w5ov at w5ov.com
Thu Feb 8 16:01:10 EST 2018

It's very simple, don't do it.

If you don't cheat, there is no way you'll be suspected of cheating.

Those who do cheat are so brazen that it's obvious.


Bob W5OV

On Wed, February 7, 2018 8:55 am, VE3SPJ RADIO wrote:
> I was reading the rules on self spotting.  Ive been subscribed to this
> list  and wouldn't normally have ended up here but Ive been following some
>  of the threads lately.  What if someone spots you on one of the networks
>  and the guy is local to you but you truly havent asked or even know the
> said spotter.  How does the committee determine wether or not you
> genuinely where aware of this action or not?  What if someone goes out of
> there way to spot you but you truly didn't ask for the assistance?  I
> could see someone's hard work and effort in a contest being blown away by
> someone being malicious or careless.
> Thanks for any info
> Regards
> --
> *Sheldon*
> * VE3SPJ / VA3XDX*
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