[CQ-Contest] Qsorder + N1MM + MK2R+ Question

Randall K Martin rkmassoc at comcast.net
Sat Feb 10 14:47:21 EST 2018

Scott, I just sent you a bunch of screen shots showing my setup 
parameters. I tried recording last Thursday's NCCC sprint, but only 
captured one radio. I didn't realize that the WYH (what you hear) 
settings aren't saved in the setup. When I turned the MK2R+ off and on, 
they reverted to both channels recording Channel A of radio 1. I will 
give it another shot, maybe with CWops on Wednesday.

What I think I want, at least based on testing, is to have the left 
channel record radio A and the right channel record radio B. Thanks for 
pointing out the "yellow LED" setting for WYH which will record what you 
are hearing rather than always recording a split feed. That would show 
when you opt to listen to a particular radio with both ears. I figured 
for learning purposes, it would be better to hear what is happening on 
both radios for the entire recording.

73 Randy K0EU

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