[CQ-Contest] CQWW guidance on "self spotting"

Chuck Dietz w5prchuck at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 09:17:13 EST 2018

 Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland
But I think it's all overdone

(Paul Simon)

Chuck W5PR

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 10:19 AM, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL <kr2q at optimum.net> wrote:

> Sheldon recently asked about Self Spotting and how to not get screwed when
> "It wasn't me."
> Please refer to CQWW.com
> We have lots of resources there.  Take some time and explore!
> For guidance on self spotting, please see:
> http://cqww.com/blog/cqww-2016-ssb-self-spotting-and-entrant
> -audio-recordings/   Read the first half of the post.
> Based on these explicit and clear criteria, along with the committee's
> extensive resources, including IP addresses, including before and after the
> contest, it is all but impossible that you will get "screwed" by another
> guy "out to get you."
> We have had entrants' contact us shortly after the contest and cite SPOTS
> they now see happened during the contest, ostensibly that they made, and
> tell us, "Hey, this was not me."  Yes, we know!  We can tell!  Zero of
> those interrogatories were "on our list."  ZERO!
> Our advice is simple:  Get on and have fun.
> de Doug KR2Q
> on behalf of the CQWW Contest Committee
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