[CQ-Contest] Start thinking about NAQP CW

Chris Hurlbut chriskl9a at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 23:59:50 EST 2018

The first big contest of 2018 is coming soon!  (Sorry ARRL RTTY RoundUp)

It is not too early to start thinking about your plans for the NAQP CW on
January 13th.  Now is the perfect opportunity to start organizing your
teams and rallying the club troops to get on and make some noise!  Register
teams at http://ncjweb.com/cwnaqpteamreg/ beginning 7 days before the

Full rules at:  http://ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf

As always, the contest runs 1800z-0600z with single ops operating a maximum
of 10 of the 12 hours.  Off times must be at least 30 minutes long.

Using the DX cluster, skimmer, or similar, will place you into the
Multi-Two category as there is no M/S or Assisted category in the NAQP

All stations are limited to 100 watts, so there are no "Big Guns" running
CQ machines with 1500 watts to compete with.  The more equal playing field
really makes this contest great for smaller stations.

Hope to see everyone in a couple of weekends!
-Chris KL9A

cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com

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