[CQ-Contest] URGENT - Making sure your RBN node spots WRTC competitors

N4ZR n4zr at comcast.net
Wed Jul 11 11:37:24 EDT 2018

As has been pointed out, there is some risk that the WRTC organizers 
will decide to use a format for the special callsigns of WRTC 
competitors that is outside the scope of the current 3-character pattern 
file that  CW Skimmer and Skimmer Server use to decide whether a given 
sequence of letters and numbers is, in fact, a callsign. While this 
would not preclude their being spotted, if we take no action it will 
make the software more "skeptical", requiring more repetitions before 
spotting the call.

Here's what we're doing about it.  The callsign patterns will be 
announced tomorrow, Thursday, July 12 sometime after 1600 Zulu.  As soon 
as the pattern(s) are known, we will compare them with the current 
pattern file (patt3ch.lst), and if there is a need, we will amend the 
pattern file on the RBN server appropriately. We will then use every 
means we can think of to remind RBN Skimmer ops of the need to check the 
patt3ch.lst tab of the Aggregator.  It will show when the new pattern 
file is available, and offer the opportunity to download the new file, 
which takes only a few seconds. You MUST then re-start Skimmer or 
Skimmer Server to begin using the new pattern file, but then you'll be done.

See you all on the air this weekend.


73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
at<http://reversebeacon.net>, now
spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
For spots, please use your favorite
"retail" DX cluster.

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