[CQ-Contest] Rules for WRTC...oops

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 16:47:04 EST 2019

Does anyone have a worse idea to include UA6 region together with OK, OM 
etc.... ??? Why not with UA9 ...?
> 73 HNY Rasťo OM3BH
Because they have included UA9 into Asia#1 . They have combined Zone17 
and Zone 21 for that, creating a selection area of 6 000 km from North 
to South and 5 000 км from East to west. This is the Selection Area  
bigger then entire Europe and the USA combined. And they assigned for 
this selection area only 1 slot in WRTC. Does it not makes difference 
between OK,OM and UA6 sound insignificant?

IMHO the best they could do is to keep the selection areas as they were 
set for WRTC 2018.

73, Igor UA9CDC

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