[CQ-Contest] FT4 *is* a contesting mode. Was: WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc6

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 11:50:17 EDT 2019

We already had this problem in the 2018 JUNE VHF contest.  Awesome 6 meter
openings for most of the contest, but everyone sat on 50.313 using FT8.
The QRM was so bad that making contacts was slow going.  Think I finished
with 40 grids or something like that.  Given the size and length of the
openings, I could have easily worked 100 grids on SSB and CW.

And people complain about making QSOs on the calling frequency.

73 John W5TD

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 7:56 AM Peter Sundberg <sm2cew at telia.com> wrote:

> Please enlighten me, how is single channel contesting going to work
> if participation really grows and the big gun stations around the
> world with multi yagis and kW's decide to enter FT4 contest? Will the
> small pistols still be sailing the airwaves and make contacts or will
> they be drowned in QRM?
> 73
> Peter SM2CEW
> At 20:24 2019-06-04, DXer wrote:
> >Hi Jeff,
> >
> >"Why are people talking about some digital mode on a reflector
> >that's supposed to be for contesting?"
> >
> >FT4 *is* a contesting mode. It's 'open' to normal use during beta
> >testing, but once finalized, it's only going to work in contests. At
> >least that was the original 'plan', it may change of course.
> >
> >73 de Vince, VA3VF
> >
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