[CQ-Contest] Origin of 3830 Score Reporting

Sterling Mann kawfey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 09:48:54 EDT 2019

"Everyone" isn't actually everyone, I think it'll be several years or so
before realtime scoreboards and livestreamed operating will become
mainstream. Even then, I think most will still return to 3830 as if it's a
contesting digestif - a central place for everyone's final score and
soapbox report. Many contesters aren't into the idea of watching others'
scores while operating, until the end.

Additionally, some may argue contesting has always been a sport against
yourself from the contest prior.

-Sterling N0SSC

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 8:32 AM Edward Sawyer <EdwardS at sbelectronics.com>

> I am curious.  Since "everyone" is reporting to online scoreboards these
> days, what's the point of K3LR and W3LPL getting on 3830 and reporting
> their scores.  Don't they already know the final scores?
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
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