[CQ-Contest] N1MM+, K3 Sidetone Macro

K9MA k9ma at sdellington.us
Mon Nov 25 21:49:07 EST 2019

That works! (Thanks, Rich, Larry, and Michael.)

Even when aborting the CQ with the ESC key, the sidetone comes back.

I don't know about others, but I find listening to that CQ 10 times 
between QSO's to be so tedious I'm inclined to go off and do something 
else, or even to S&P at an even lower rate sorting through the dupes. 
This will help.

Scott K9MA

On 11/25/2019 16:20, Richard Ferch wrote:
> If you are planning on putting the mute and unmute macros in the same 
> function key message, things get complicated. Basically, I believe you 
> would have to do something like this:
> F1 CQ,{CAT1ASC ML000;} your CQ message {END}{CAT1ASC ML0nn;}
> The {END} macro is vital, otherwise the two radio control macros would 
> both be executed before the CW started to send, which would end up 
> leaving the monitor on during the transmission. Don't forget the 
> semicolons either; the K3 needs those as command terminators.
> I don't know whether this would actually work the way you would like 
> it to or not, but it's where I would start. There might be timing 
> issues; it's hard to tell without actually trying it.
> If you put the mute and unmute commands in separate function keys, you 
> might not be able to use them while you were transmitting - or rather, 
> if you used one while the rig was transmitting, it might only be acted 
> on after the transmission was over, which might not be what you expected.
> 73,
> Rich VE3KI
> K9MA wrote:
> There are K3 commands to set the sidetone (monitor) level, but I don't 
> know how to put them in an N1MM+ function key macro. ("MLxxx") One at 
> the start of the CQ macro to set ML to 000, one at the end to turn it 
> back up. Does anyone know how to do this?

Scott  K9MA

k9ma at sdellington.us

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