[CQ-Contest] WW-Digi suggestions

ktfrog007 at aol.com ktfrog007 at aol.com
Fri Aug 28 12:25:59 EDT 2020

Turn off automatic logging or you will likely get duplicate entries of your of your current QSO when it doesn't end smoothly.  Log manually when you are sure a QSO is complete.

In the contest there will be running (CQ) and S&P stations.  At the end of the QSO, the S&P station will send RR73 to the runner, who should then respond with 

73        or       CQ  TEST       or       calling a station who tailended (split) during the RR73 transmission

The S&P station should understand that any one of the above three end means the QSO was good.  A 73 isn't necessary, but some transmission is.

The running station should always respond immediately after receiving the RR73.  It should not take a cycle off and not send anything.  Successful running means keeping things going,

If you are working non-contest stations with the normal, non-contest protocol, QSOs should end with the S&P station sending 73 as usual.  Use TX1 for replying to CQs so as to include the grid loc.

Good luck and 73,
Ken, AB1J

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