[CQ-Contest] CQWW is an unfair Contest -- A solutiion!

Ricardo Navarrete ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 18:02:02 EST 2020

IMHO the rules are the rules if you don't like them do not participate, but
if you do, don't complaint. It is almost impossible to find a solution for
all, there are huge stations using huge amount of power , running several
in-band stations in each band , with infinite stacked antennas and very
good ops. Single operators running SO2R , SO3R and so on in competition
with SO2V or just SO but the rules are as they are..... I try to improve my
last score and fight into something affordable. If some day I decide that
the contest rules are not good enough for me I never will go into the
contest any more......
I live in a flat surrounded by malls and factories, noise is high and I
can't invest in antennas due to space restriction and neighbors complaints
...... So I try to have fun!!!!!


El vie., 4 dic. 2020 22:05, Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at gmail.com>

> The number of hams who have a directional receive array in ARRL 160 is
> quite small compared to the number of stations who get on for ARRL 160.
> Maybe 1 in 20.
> 73 Rich NN3W
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 2:32 PM Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> wrote:
> > On 12/3/2020 3:08 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
> > > You send Tree N6TR a respectful email asking him to please run the open
> > logs
> > > that CQ makes public every year and run them through the Stew Perry
> > contest
> > > aggregator and rescore the CQWW contest based only on distances and #
> of
> > > Q's.(no multipliers) (I imagine there are other contests out there
> based
> > on
> > > distances as well)
> >
> > That doesn't work either, because scoring rules determine the operating
> > strategies of the participants. This weekend in ARRL 160, for example,
> > where DX is worth 5x a USA QSO, I won't be able to work many east coast
> > mults because they're listening with directional RX to EU until the path
> > dies after EU sunrise, and then they go to bed, except for the few big
> > guns who start listening for AS and OC.
> >
> > And a lot fewer Atlantic Basin stations work Stew because they don't
> > have that advantage!
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
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