[CQ-Contest] WRTC2022 Qualifications. The game is over. New update.

Randy Thompson k5zd at outlook.com
Sun Dec 20 16:19:45 EST 2020

That may not be an error.  The rules say that if a "lower" qualifying category has a higher score, then it becomes the basis for comparison and qualifying points calculation.

See https://www.wrtc2022.it/en/selection-criteria-7.asp section 4.


Randy K5ZD

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+k5zd=outlook.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of beaudoin
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2020 3:00 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WRTC2022 Qualifications. The game is over. New update.

GA Rich

         Just to make one point....   You say "with the end of the qualifying

         period now here".  Not that I have any thoughts of being a finalist,

         but mistakes are made.  An example In two CQ contest my score

         has been compared to an Unassisted operator but I was Assisted. 
I am sure

         a number of others errors  will pop up.

                     Happy Holidays   BoB WA1FCN

On 12/20/2020 9:42 AM, Richard F DiDonna NN3W wrote:
> Claudio: thank you for the update to the WRTC scoring and for keeping 
> everything tracked and for making corrections as needed.  At this 
> point, we are almost 18 months away (which is rather soon) from the 
> international contest community coming together in the Bologna area.
> Is the WRTC2022 committee planning on an update concerning 
> preparations from the committee's side?  I  think many of those who 
> are going as competitors, referees, or simply as tourists are 
> interested in knowing about the progress for site selection, funding, 
> hotels, event rules (if any changes have been made), station setups, 
> etc.  If the committee needs financial support, now is the time to really put that call out...
> With the end of the qualifying period now here, team preparation is I 
> would expect commencing in earnest.
> Buon Natale!
> 73 Rich NN3W
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 8:36 AM Claudio Veroli 
> <claudio.veroli at alice.it>
> wrote:
>> Hi guys
>>   with the CQWW CW 2020 the qualification events for the WRTC2022 are over.
>> A new update of the qualification standings with CQWW SSB 2020 and 
>> 2020 claimed scores has been released.
>> We fixed some final scores in RDXC 2020.
>> All WRTC scores published are unofficial and subject to further 
>> verification.We are still waiting for some final results.
>> So just follow the press releases.
>> Congratulations to all of you who followed the Qualification
>>        process in all these 2 years.
>> Please check your score carefully and for any report write to
>> qualification at wrtc2022.it
>>    Please visit :
>>    www.wrtc2022.it
>> For any feedback on the qualification standings please contact us:
>> qualification at wrtc2022.it
>>   73 de Claudio I4VEQWRTC committee.
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