[CQ-Contest] Rules - 66th Annual Poisson d'Avril Contest

Randy Thompson k5zd at outlook.com
Tue Mar 31 14:39:26 EDT 2020

Don't be fooled. He works on this all year!

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+k5zd=outlook.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Jack Parker
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 1:52 PM
To: Doug Grant <dougk1dg at gmail.com>
Cc: CQ Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rules - 66th Annual Poisson d'Avril Contest

 While reading your e-mail I decided to fire up an appropriate song: "Too Much Time on My Hands"  by Styx. :>)

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:17 PM Doug Grant <dougk1dg at gmail.com> wrote:

> This year’s rules have been adjusted to accommodate the coronavirus 
> situation.
> II. Contest. Period.
> 0000 - 2359Z April 1, 2020 (those over 60 years of age - oh, 
> wait…that’s almost all of us - may start one hour earlier to prevent 
> exposure to virus-carrying young lids). You may take an off-time to 
> watch the daily coronavirus briefing but only if Doctors Fauci and/or Birx are speaking.
> Off-times to wash your hands must be at least 20 seconds long.
> You may also take time off to operate the CWT-mini-contests since the 
> Pd’A falls on a Wednesday this year. They’re only an hour long and 
> they are on CW, which is a Good Thing. Bonus points if you work K1DG 
> in lieu of sending a card.
> All bands, all modes. FT8 and FT4 losing their appeal? How about FT2? 
> Or go the other way, maybe all the way to FT101! NC0B says it has a 
> pretty good receiver (the new “D” version, not the old “E” and “EE” 
> versions from the 70s).
> In keeping with social distancing guidelines, all stations must be 
> spaced at least 6 kHz apart (600 Hz on CW) and no more than 10 
> stations may answer a CQing station.
> If someone tries to take over your frequency, send his call to Pd'A 
> HQ. We will take care of the problem. We know a guy.
> A. Traditional
> The Traditional category is based on the legacy operating modes and 
> sub-categories of single-op, multi-single, multi-2, and multi-multi, 
> using human operators operating conventional radios on the amateur 
> bands, and stations consisting of equipment and antennas located 
> within a 500-meter
> (1640.42 feet) radius.
> Single-op stations must enter as SO2R, and must use exactly two 
> radios. The counting of the radios shall be two, and two shall be the 
> counting of the radios. Three radios shalt thou not use. Four is right 
> out. OK...mutants like KL9A and N6MJ can use 4...two on CW and two on 
> SSB, Now there's a challenge.
> Use one callsign at one station for the period of the contest. Period.
> Operators at multi-op stations must wear masks and full PPE, sit least 
> 6 feet apart and not share microphones, headsets, keyboards, paddles 
> or anything else  unless they are remote, in which case they must also 
> wear masks and PPE and provide real-time video streaming to prove 
> compliance (BUT NO SHOWING FREQUENCY!!!).
> B. Epic Overlay
> You may enter this new category if you believe that your operation 
> will be truly astounding, a game-changer, head-turner, new paradigm, 
> or potentially a NEW WORLD RECORD.
> C. Classy Overlay
> Operators entering this category must be polite at all times. Say 
> please if you need a repeat on an exchange, for example, and thank-you for every QSO.
> And give up your frequency if someone asks nicely.
> You may also say “please copy”, but never ever say it in a real contest.
> Ever.
> Classy operators are expected to be well-groomed and properly attired 
> (jacket and tie for gentlemen, knee-length dresses and tasteful 
> jewelry for the ladies). Correct posture and etiquette are essential.
> D. Part-time
> We understand that sheltering-in-place requires that you get caught up 
> on all those little projects around the house you’ve been putting off 
> for like, forever. This may limit your operating time. No problem. You 
> may submit a projected score by dividing your score by the number of 
> hours operated, then multiplying by 24. Oh, wait. That means if you 
> operate zero hours, your score is infinite. Hmmm. Maybe this is not such a good idea.
> It’s just the hydroxychloroquine talking.
> E. Anything goes
> Use multiple operators at multiple locations using multiple stations.
> Live-stream, call CQ on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitch, Skype, Zoom,  
> QSOGet,  or any other social media channel (we made up “QSOGet”, so 
> don’t go looking for it - but if you create such a thing, contact us 
> for name-licensing terms).
> Signal reports must be 59 or 599 and serial number (which must be 42, 
> since that is the answer to life, the universe, and everything). On 
> FT4/8, a QSO is complete if you call the other station, even if he does not answer.
> After all, you already know his grid square and you sent yours, so 
> that ought to be enough. If he didn’t copy it, it’s his problem, 
> right? (That grinding sound you hear is W0YK gnashing his teeth.)
> You may choose what to count as multipliers...countries, counties, 
> zones, planets, states of matter, prefixes, suffixes, we don't care. 
> Total multipliers should not exceed the number of QSOs - it messes 
> with the log-checking software. Make the job hard for the log checkers 
> and we take no responsibility for the consequences. Could get ugly. They know a guy.
> If you test positive for coronavirus exposure, please self-quarantine 
> for
> 14 days so you don’t become a virus multiplier.
> There is no point. Only a counterpoint. Or is it a counterpoise? And 
> if so, is it folded? My head hurts...or is it Hertz? But no fever or 
> dry cough so I guess we’re good.
> All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points 
> multiplied by the multipliers times the Pd'A Correction factor (0 for 
> all stations, 42 for K1DG).
> The overall winner in each category will get an 8-pack of Charmin 
> toilet paper (nothing but the best!), one N95 face mask, and a bottle 
> of hand sanitizer.
> X. TEN:
> Not this year. Sorry.
> We insist that logs be submitted electronically somewhere. Postings to 
> CQ-Contest, 3830, or any other reflector count as log submissions. 
> Post your score somewhere, we'll find it. Really. We have nothing 
> better to do than chase your important log now that we are in 
> self-quarantine. And make sure you scan your log for viruses when you 
> upload it. If you have to send a paper log, please sanitize the log first.
> Failure to observe the guidelines on social distancing, 
> self-quarantine, and avoiding large groups will be grounds for 
> disqualification. Same for hoarding toilet paper and hand-sanitizer. 
> Actions and decisions of the Poisson d'Avril Contest Committee are 
> arbitrary and unlikely. And we know a guy.
> The Committee's favorite Dead line is "Too much of everything is just 
> enough", from the song "I Need a Miracle". And if you've spent the 
> time to read this far, it's a miracle.
> ----
> All joking aside  – this coronavirus thing is serious. Take care of 
> yourselves so we can work each other many more times. Stay home, wash 
> your hands, and thank the medical professionals, grocery-store 
> workers, package deliverers, and other essential personnel keeping 
> things going while putting themselves at risk.
> 73 and stay safe,
> Doug K1DG
> p.s. A tip of the Pd'A Beret to N0AX for a few rule suggestions. The 
> roll of two-ply is on the way.
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