[CQ-Contest] CQM Adjudication

rjairam at gmail.com rjairam at gmail.com
Mon May 11 12:31:41 EDT 2020

Doesn't the Russian DX contest do something similar? I seem to
remember that they not only give you no credit for some QSOs but also
penalize you for others like NILs.


On Mon, 11 May 2020 at 09:17, ShelbyK4WW <shelbyk4ww at gmail.com> wrote:
> "Judging is carried out only on the received LOGs = if a participant
> doesn’t submit the log, then other participants will have no QSO point nor
> multiplier point credits for the QSOs with him!"
> As this was a "first time ever" to actually participate, not just make a
> few contacts, I find the unique approach toward scoring, indefensible? I
> had no idea that all those contacts that I made, in previous years, were of
> no value because I didn't submit a log? I had several "lower than 20"
> numbers received this year, at a point in the contest that, most numbers
> would have been much higher. Several "lower than 5"! Do I expect those
> "casual" stations to submit a log? Not a chance? I'm sure that whether I
> choose to participate next year will have very little bearing on any other
> stations score. Possibly some members of CQM contest committee will see
> this, and offer some logical explanation? Please don't insult me with "it
> eliminates cheating"! When the time comes that I become seriously concerned
> that another station is cheating, it will be time for me to do something
> else! I believe that the vast majority of the contest community is honest?
> Why subject the vast majority to the unethical scruples of the
> minuscule minority?
> Everyone stay safe
> 73, Shelby - K4WW
> As I don't have an iPad nor iPhone, sent from my PC
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