[CQ-Contest] Crowne Plaza?

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Thu May 14 14:17:21 EDT 2020

My reservation wasn't in any "Block". I'm one of those guys who is usually filling the form for the next year right at the hotel's front desk upon "Check-out".
I called about a month ago to cancel my reservation, and I thought I did. However, few days ago while checking my CC statements I noticed there was no refund posted.
I called the hotel directly and after being on hold for a few minutes the manager told me that my reservation was automatically posted for the next year, which satisfied me 100%. Too bad they never sent any confirmation e-mail or note.
Anyway, if you're unsure what's the status of your reservation, you may call Crowne Plaza directly (937) 224-0800 and press "0" to talk to a manager.

73, Yuri  VE3DZ

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces+ve3dz=rigexpert.net at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim McDonald
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 10:41 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Crowne Plaza?

My reservation was with K3LR's block.  I requested a refund from Rhonda Webster at that time and received it shortly after.

Here's the note that Time sent on March 16:


As some folks on this reflector had reserved rooms for Hamvention and related events at the Crowne Plaza in Dayton.

Here is a quick update.

The hotel will refund all 2020 deposits as soon as possible. 

Reservations for 2021 (using the same list of reserved names from 2020) will be available to confirm and book after June 15, 2020. 

Excess rooms from our block will then go into a lottery pool open to all after that.


Tim K3LR


Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----

I got mine within a couple of days of the cancellation - but I was on the North Coast Contesters group deal, so that may have made a difference.

73, Pete N4ZR

On 5/13/2020 5:32 PM, Terry Zivney wrote:
> Has anyone received a refund of their de

posit from the Crowne Plaza yet?  K3LR said two months ago they would  be processed.....
> I can't get hold of the front desk - just a stay-at-homeperson with an unintelligible phone so can't find out whetherwhat the situation of my reservation is!
> Terry N4TZ

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