[CQ-Contest] Rule Changes for the CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests in 2021
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 11:20:50 EST 2020
hello Bud
well, my idea was to ask, after CQWW CW, for a rule change in CQWW and CQ
WPX to ask for audio recording ALSO to assisted stations and for more
entries, not just World and Continent top scores
I think stations asking for a COUNTRY RECORD must send the audio recording
ALWAYS with the log and the audio recording must be public as the logs. If
you don`t send the AUDIO with the LOG you cannot claim a country record
Just my point of view about that
Thanks for your great work supporting the CQWW WPX Contest!
El lun., 16 nov. 2020 a las 13:09, Bud Trench (<aa3b.bud at gmail.com>)
> The 2021 CQ WW WPX RTTY, SSB and CW contests will include a new
> Multi-Transmitter Distributed category. Stations operating in this
> category
> may have a maximum of six transmitted signals, one per band at any one
> time,
> from stations in different locations. All equipment, including
> remotely-controlled equipment, must be located in same DXCC entity and CQ
> Zone. Six bands may be activated simultaneously. This is a new,
> stand-alone category. It is not intended to replace, or compete with,
> other
> multi-operator categories.
> QSO alerting systems will now be permitted in all CQ WW WPX SSB and CW
> Single Operator categories, except the Single Operator Classic Overlay
> categories. This change also results in elimination of the requirement for
> audio recordings. The drivers for combining the Single Op Assisted and
> Unassisted categories include:
> * Use of QSO alerting systems by single operator participants is
> allowed in 70% (33 or 47) of the international DX contests recently
> reviewed, including CQ WPX RTTY
> * It is becoming increasingly more difficult to draw the line between
> assisted and unassisted operations as SDR technologies become more
> integrated with contest software / networks
> * This step further aligns CQ WW WPX SSB / CW with CQ WW WPX RTTY.
> The use of QSO alerting systems in CQ WW WPX RTTY has been permitted since
> the mid-1990's
> The Single Operator Classic Overlay categories will continue to prohibit
> the
> use of QSO alerting systems and should be considered by participants
> preferring to be unassisted. Also, the maximum operating time for Single
> Operator Classic Overlay participants has been reduced from 36 to 24 hours.
> Further, the Multi-Operator Single Transmitter High and Low Power Classic
> Overlay categories have been removed from the rules.
> The full rules for CQ WW WPX SSB and CW 2021 will be posted on the CQ
> website <www.cq-amateur-radio.com <http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com> > and
> the CQ WW WPX Contest website <www.cqwpx.com <http://www.cqwpx.com/> > in
> early 2021.
> 73,
> Bud Trench, AA3B
> Director, CQ WPX Contest
> web: <https://cqwpx.com/> https://cqwpx.com
> email: <mailto:director at cqwpx.com> director at cqwpx.com
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