[CQ-Contest] Released Rules for CQ WW WPX SSB / CW

Randy Thompson k5zd at outlook.com
Tue Nov 17 07:48:53 EST 2020

I understand there is a feeling of loss with this change.  But, when I look at the WPX scores Hans, I see you have entered the WPX contest 5 times and 3 of those were in the assisted category (https://cqwpx.com/searchbycall.htm?cl=k0hb&submit=Go).  All of the entries were well under 24 hours.  So in effect, these rule changes would have little impact on you personally.

Choice has not been eliminated. Contesters will continue to turn on the radio, work people, have fun, and send in a log. They might try something new by using the cluster to bolster their score.  Or they may choose to continue as they always have. (The WPX scores show that operators NOT using the cluster often have higher scores than those that do.) Their enjoyment of the contest comes from many things beyond the score listings by category.

I like getting on the air and working people.  I like competition. We have gone from two single op categories to one. This will increase competition, but it doesn’t change the thrill of a high rate hour or an amazing long path QSO. It’s all about the experiences.

Randy K5ZD

From: Hans Brakob <kzerohb at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:08 AM
To: Bud Trench <aa3b.bud at gmail.com>; cq-contest at contesting.com
Cc: ku8e <ku8e at ku8e.com>; Randy Thompson <k5zd at outlook.com>; Mark Bailey <kd4d at comcast.net>; David Gilbert <ab7echo at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Released Rules for CQ WW WPX SSB / CW

Don’t let us spoil your excitement, Bud, but “QSO alerting systems” have always been available to all competitors.  Nothing new there to get excited about.

Anyone can choose to participate with that assistance, but a SIGNIFICANT fraction (maybe approaching a majority) of the single op community have chosen to compete in a category without that assistance.

You have eliminated that choice, and offer in replacement a gutted version with reduced time.

We’re all excited about this too, kinda like we’d be excited if our best girlfriend ran off with a CB’er.

de Hans, K0Hb

Bud Trench wrote:

“I am particularly excited about the possibilities of increased levels of performance (and scores) in the Single Operator categories now that QSO alerting systems are available to all competitors.”

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