[CQ-Contest] Released Rules for CQ WW WPX SSB / CW

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Nov 17 11:39:26 EST 2020

On 17/11/2020 12:48, K5ZD wrote:


It's disappointing to see opinions stated as fact, or which don't tell 
the whole story.

> Choice has not been eliminated.

That's true, but it fails to mention that choice has been reduced.

> (The WPX scores show that operators NOT using the cluster often have higher scores than those that do.)

That may be true now (for WPX), but we'll never know whether it would 
continue because, from now on, single-ops who want to be competitive 
will have no option but to use spots from other operators - especially 
if they're LP or QRP.

>   Their enjoyment of the contest comes from many things beyond the score listings by category.

My  enjoyment is increased when I see how I did compared to others in 
the same category.

> We have gone from two single op categories to one. This will increase competition,

Really? - where's the logic or the evidence for that?

Paul EI5DI

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