[CQ-Contest] CQ Changes WPX

beaudoin wa1fcn at charter.net
Tue Nov 17 11:36:13 EST 2020

GM All

           Classic category with out separation of power levels is not 
the way to go.

           My thinking....... ARRL DX  has no distinction for Single 
band operations

         as far as power levels go.  Only separations is for all bands.

         I have pretty much given up entering Single Band any more in 

         and not many in Any category in ARRL DX. I admit  This year was 
an exception.

         I for one would never operate  Classic without power  
separations.  It is

         tough enough to compete against  your own power level,  now it's me

         at 100 watts and the other guy at 1000 watts what are my odds 
of ever making

         top 10?

                 BoB WA1FCN

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