[CQ-Contest] Yamaha CM500 headphones flaking apart

Yuri VE3XB ve3xb at rogers.com
Wed Nov 18 15:08:52 EST 2020


My wired Bose QuietComfort-35 headphones, because of internal circuitry, have audio leaking between left and right channels. Not too bad for listening music but very noticeable when running SO2R.
Check with manufacturer if it's not the case with wireless version.

73 Yuri VE3XB

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces+ve3xb=rogers.com at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jorge Diez - CX6VM

Just received an advertising about BOSE, of course is expensive, but just wondering if this MIC will be good for radio use



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