[CQ-Contest] N4ZR asks: why do casual guys get on during the contest

Douglas Zwiebel dougzzz at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 19:48:53 EST 2020

Back in 2015, Randy K5ZD did a survey.  I didn't look up the link from back
then.  Maybe someone can find it.

Anyhow, one of the survey questions was basically, Why do you operate in
the contest.

Here were the replies.

Interest                        count    %
Serious competitor              1,560    30%
Part time trying for best score 1,604    31%
Chasing awards                    553    11%
Having fun giving points        1,234    24%
Other                             166     3%
Grand Total                     5,117   100%

I'd say that "chance to work new countries, zone, states..." would be in the
chasing awards category.  YMMV

I guess this leads to the next question, what is the definition of a casual

de Doug KR2Q

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