[CQ-Contest] AZ1A/X = Argentina (CQWW CW)

David Siddall hhamwv at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 17:05:43 EST 2020

In the Argentine callsign system, the letter designates the Argentine
province.  For a regular callsign, the province is identified by the first
letter of the suffix.  So LU6AH is within the federal capital city
boundaries ("C.F."),  LU5DGQ is in Buenos Aires Province, LU4TC is in Jujuy
Province, etc.  XA-XO is Santa Cruz Province, XP-XZ is Tierra del Fuego
Province, and /X is either one.  The old Argentine QSL cards often included
a country map showing the letter designations of the provinces.

73, Dave K3ZJ

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:53 PM Steve Dyer via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> N1MM was confused, but the /X is superfluous isn't it?
> 73,
> Steve
> On 11/30/2020 9:46, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> > During CQWW CW, AZ1A/X operated from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (Zone
> > 13).  WriteLog did not have a problem with this callsign, but I
> > suspect some other software might have.  I have received one report so
> > far, but he did not identify the software in his E-mail.
> >
> > 73 - Jim AD1C
> >
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