[CQ-Contest] Question about category

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sat Oct 3 16:50:06 EDT 2020

I don't know the answer either, but I suspect, if anything, it's a M/S
category, not an "assisted" category.

After all, your Dad didn't scour the bands, or log into DXsummit and "feed"
you multipliers.  He was active (in a minor way) in 

the hardware part of your operation.


I am one of those guys that plays it pretty tight to the rules, but changing
an antenna (a human antenna switch) seems pretty inconsequential and
harmless to me.


Contact the sponsor and be honest about what you did and he/they can best


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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