[CQ-Contest] Question about category

Steve Dyer w1srd at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 5 16:55:38 EDT 2020

Should we add a category for self driving cars used in mobile operations?

On 10/5/2020 11:16, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 10/4/2020 1:47 AM, Tonno Vahk wrote:
>> ARRL in his FAQ even defines it:
>> “Operating” includes all methods of soliciting and making QSOs.
> Neither ARRL or CQ are the rule-makers for all contests. I know of at 
> least one state QSO party that considers the driver of a mobile entry 
> an operator. For mobile operation, I consider this entirely fair to 
> differentiate this from one person in a mobile who both drives and 
> operates. Certainly operating and logging while also driving is quite 
> challenging; the alternative is for the single person to drive between 
> setups, park, and operate, in both cases with self-contained antennas 
> and power capable of operation in motion.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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