[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX CW 2020 Results

Bud Trench aa3b.bud at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 12:04:49 EDT 2020

The CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest results and certificates for 2020 are now
available at
qGBGTdkOtHJN4Pze91B2tNUeUFh0> https://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm


Log Check Reports have also been emailed to all participants.


Bud Trench, AA3B

Director, CQ WPX Contest

web:  <https://cqwpx.com/> https://cqwpx.com

email:  <mailto:director at cqwpx.com> director at cqwpx.com



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