[CQ-Contest] Pandemic impact

Michael Ritz w7vo at comcast.net
Wed Oct 7 16:08:13 EDT 2020

No doubt! I normally have "fun first" multi-single or multi-two efforts from my QTH in the big tests, but now it's limited to lonely SO efforts for the time being. Hopefully by next contest season things will get back to "normal", and the "real" (ie:"not remote") multi-op efforts can begin again all around the world. 

Contesting is always better as a team activity. 


> On 10/07/2020 12:49 PM Randy Thompson <k5zd at outlook.com> wrote:
> Want to see how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted contesting?  WPX was the first major contest to feel the effects.  See https://cqwpx.com/stats.htm to view how entries soared with everyone at home.
> Will we see the same for CQ WW this year?  If RTTY is any indication, yes!
> Randy K5ZD
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