[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Station Guidelines

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 17:16:33 EDT 2020

So, everyone who works W3DQ, gets multiplier credit for DC, even though most of 
the stations using the W3DQ callsign/exchange were not in DC ?

Reminds me of Don Miller and supposed North Korea DXCC shenanigans.

Steve, N2IC

On 10/23/2020 02:58 PM, David Siddall wrote:
> This is not a problem.  It is extremely easy to upload correctly for WAS, 
> county, and grid square purposes on  LoTW.  I did it for W8I when we had 
> stations in MD, VA, and WV.  Each LoTW QSL shows the correct state, county, and 
> grid square for the station making the QSO.
> And since you use D.C. as an example, I'll note that Eric W3DQ in DC reports 
> that he did the same for LoTW confirmations for W3A, N3A & W3C special event 
> stations.
> 73, Dave K3ZJ
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 1:09 PM Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com 
> <mailto:n2icarrl at gmail.com>> wrote:
>   <    >
>     For WAS/LoTW purposes, you think it's okay if everyone sends (relatively
>     rare) DC, when all but one of the
>     transmitting stations is located in VA or MD ? The DC station might not even
>     make any QSO's - just there for contest purposes.

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