[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Station Guidelines

Peter Lunn bels at erols.com
Fri Oct 23 14:33:48 EDT 2020

I see a huge problem in sending anything other than the actual 
state/province in which the transmitter is located.  It is patently 

Maybe that doesn't bother anyone else, and for contesting purpose maybe 
it would make no difference, but it is still dishonest.

73, peter, N4UP

------ Original Message ------
From: "OZ1BII Henning" <mail at oz1bii.dk>
To: "cq-contest at contesting.com" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: 10/23/2020 9:30:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Station 

>I see no problem defining which state or province - it is the
>state/province where the "Master station" belongs.
>All the participants use the same call sign and the same report.
>* Vy 73 de OZ2I  Henning *
>Den fre. 23. okt. 2020 kl. 14.59 skrev K8MR via CQ-Contest <
>cq-contest at contesting.com>:
>>  No requirement that the individual stations must be in the same state or
>>  province?
>>  Does one send the master station's state, or the state where they are
>>  actually located?  If the later, it might provide some good practice in
>>  copying what is actually sent.
>>  73  -  Jim   K8MR
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at outlook.com>
>>  To: David Siddall <hhamwv at gmail.com>
>>  Cc: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>>  Sent: Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:43 pm
>>  Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Station Guidelines
>>  April fools day came early?
>>  Would love to hear some of the reasoning behind this rather radical new
>>  (?) category.
>>  Randy K5ZD
>>  > On Oct 22, 2020, at 9:15 PM, David Siddall <hhamwv at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Guidelines Issued for ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Stations
>>  > 10/22/2020
>>  >
>>  > ARRL has issued guidelines for multioperator stations competing in the
>>  ARRL
>>  > DX Contest (CW and phone). With the global pandemic continuing to impose
>>  > restrictions on social gatherings, multioperator contest stations may not
>>  > be able to operate normally while still adhering to local social
>>  distancing
>>  > guidelines. ARRL has taken the decision to make temporary accommodations
>>  > for a multioperator station to participate as a team in these popular
>>  ARRL
>>  > contests, under the following guidelines:
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >  - Team members may operate from their home stations in conjunction with
>>  >  the multi-op station.
>>  >
>>  >  - Their home station must be located within a radius of 100 kilometers
>>  >  (62 miles) of the multiop contest station.
>>  >
>>  >  - Their home station must be located within the same DXCC entity as the
>>  >  multiop contest station.
>>  >
>>  >  - All team member stations must use the same call sign as the multi-op
>>  >  contest station for the duration of the contest.
>>  >
>>  >  - Logging software must be networked, so that all team member stations
>>  >  are using a common log.
>>  >
>>  >  - Individual operators may not work the multi-op contest station or
>>  >  other team member stations using a personal call sign or other call
>>  sign.
>>  >
>>  >  - All multioperator rules, such as band changes and number of signals on
>>  >  a band, still apply. See the full *contest rules*
>>  >  <http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx> for details.
>>  >
>>  >  - The team must determine and control band assignments, ensuring that no
>>  >  more than one team station is transmitting on any given band at a time.
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > The multiop contest station may be staffed at less than full capacity
>>  while
>>  > maintaining safe practices, so operating with a combination of team
>>  members
>>  > at home stations and team members at the contest station is permissible.
>>  >
>>  > The CW contest takes place on the third full weekend in February
>>  (February
>>  > 20 – 21, 2021). The phone contest takes place on the first full weekend
>>  in
>>  > March (March 6 – 7, 2021).
>>  >
>>  > For questions, *contact* <contests at arrl.org> the ARRL Contest Branch.
>>  >
>>  > 73, Dave K3ZJ
>>  >
>>  _______________________________________________
>>  CQ-Contest mailing list
>>  CQ-Contest at contesting.com
>>  http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
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