[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2022 Qualification standing update

Claudio Veroli claudio.veroli at alice.it
Sat Oct 31 19:52:16 EDT 2020

The Score database has been updated with WAEDC Phone 2020 Claimed scorse 
and with the final scores of CQ WPX SSB 2020. 

Next CQ WW CW at the end of November will be the LAST qualifying contest for WRTC 2022 and we wish you all the best for a good score. Participation in CQ WW SSB has been fantastic (over 35.000 participants) and we suppose that also in the CW leg we will have some like a participants record. 
Enjoy your contest and do your best for WRTC 2022 !
73 de Carlo IK1HJS

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