[CQ-Contest] Best CW contest rig

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Sep 15 20:11:13 EDT 2020

On 9/15/2020 8:27 AM, John Geiger wrote:
> I am sure this is going to lead to several different opinions, but what is
> considered the best CW contesting radio on the market today?  I know at one
> time it was Ten-Tecs, at the TS930/TS940s were for a while, and the
> FT1000MP probably was for a while, but was is the current best CW rig?
> Would it be the Elecraft K3?

It's been a LOONG time since Ten Tec and Yaesu have been top CW 
contesting rigs. The shortcoming of the Yaesus is their relatively dirty 
CW signal, as was well documented by ARRL Labs.

The Elecraft K3, upgraded to the better synth board developed for the 
K3S, or the K3S itself, is very clean and a very nice radio. The top 
Flex rigs are also well regarded. I've never used one, but their 
reputation is also pretty clean.

Some of the major multi-multi stations also like the top ICOM for their RX.

If I were buying a new rig today, I'd be looking at the top Flex and the 
new Elecraft K4, which is just starting to ship. There are early 
production units in use by some top contesters who are beta testers, and 
their reports have been very positive.

Since 2008, my station has been a pair of early production K3s, eCH 
loaded with second RX, P3/SVGA, and upgraded with the new synth boards 
and the preamp for 12-10-6M that comes with the XVTR interface. There 
are a pair of 87As, one of which has become a spare to a KPA1500.

I'm happy enough with all of that that I haven't ordered a K4.

73, Jim K9YC

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