[CQ-Contest] Doctor DX clone (if you never used it, you just don't "get it")

N4ZR n4zr at comcast.net
Wed Sep 30 20:49:49 EDT 2020

Does anyone know the identity of the programmer?  Seems that if source 
code were available it should be possible to recompile for Windows 
without too much difficulty.

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 9/30/2020 8:57 AM, Richard F DiDonna NN3W wrote:
> Thanks Doug.  Perhaps N2RJ can upload a 15 or 20 minute demo of what Doctor
> DX actually does.  I know you've got 1) work, 2) family, 3) rona, and 4)
> radio (including ARRL duties), but a video showing how crazy this program
> is might enlighten those who never got to play.
> Ill say this again - for software (umm...hardware?) written in the mid 80s,
> it was probably 30 years ahead of its time.  K8KA (SK?) did a review of
> Doctor DX in the December 1984 edition of QST and Randy K5ZD did a review
> in the November 1984 NCJ.
> 73 Rich NN3W
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 8:20 AM Douglas Zwiebel <dougzzz at gmail.com> wrote:
>>   NN3W is right on target.
>> The BEST (most impressive) feature for me was that it "knew" propagation
>> (Rich said this).
>> It was just so cool to work EU from "NJ" on the high bands as the "sun
>> rose" and signals got stronger and more of them.  And if you went to 80m at
>> high noon (as Rich also said), you got hiss.  LOL  Amazing!  Maybe my
>> memory is embellishing things, but I think that "deep Russian" (UA0Y) on 20
>> were "watery" too.
>> I only sat with it at Dayton and there was a human pileup waiting, so I
>> didn't sit there nearly as long as I would have liked to.  But in that
>> short amount of time, wow.
>> Clearly, those of us who used it, really remember it and remember it
>> fondly.  I remember thinking that when the real bands are dead, this would
>> be a lot more fun.
>> OK, enough nostalgia.
>> de Doug KR2Q
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