[CQ-Contest] Phone Pileups

Richard Thorne rthorne at rthorne.net
Sat Jul 3 08:54:47 EDT 2021


I was listening to a few of the K2x stations running by the numbers and 
it was a mess. Going by the numbers is not a good idea imho.

For starters it irks operators having to wait, and a bunch of callers 
don't care and call anyways even if they are not in the call area being 
called for.  The latter has me quite distressed.  People don't listen to 

I would suggest just running and work the stations as they call.  Going 
split may be the best option, if needed.

It's the job of the calling station to get through which means paying 
attention to propagation, using the best antenna they have for a 
particular band, timing their call and not calling when the K2x calls a 
specific station or letter combination.

Rich - N5ZC

On 7/3/2021 7:23 AM, w1rm at comcast.net wrote:
> Many of you know me as a CW man.  Running a phone pileup is sort of a
> different kettle of fish.
> I'm the manager for K2D in the 13 colonies event.  Many of the guys and gals
> who are staffing K2D have rather limited skills with a phone pileup and the
> ones we are encountering are brutal.
> If you are an hold hand with phone pileups I would very much appreciate tips
> that I can pass on to my team.  Of course, we try things like running split
> (although that's a new experience for some) and going by numbers (how long
> do you stay on a number?).  Please pass on your tips and I'll share with my
> folks.
> Thanks!
> Pete Chamalian, W1RM
> W1rm at comcast.net
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