[CQ-Contest] 9-11 special event question

OZ0J Joe contest at oz0j.dk
Sat Jul 31 01:28:58 EDT 2021

Also send to:


and if possible try to be on Clublog Livestream https://clublog.org/livestreams.php

and inform the World how to QSL and how to get any award.

Good Luck

73 Joe, OZ0J 
Event MGR of 5P12EU, 5P14EHC, OZ90IARU, OZ75MAY and OZ75BO

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+contest=oz0j.dk at contesting.com> På vegne af Steve Lott
Sendt: 29. juli 2021 21:05
Til: wa1fcn <wa1fcn at charter.net>
Cc: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Emne: Re: [CQ-Contest] 9-11 special event question

Send a press release


To all known email reflectors

This should happen now
As far as spreading the word
In fact you too late for most printing formats As it is almost August So publication in WST might be out But it could go in the ARRL letter If you send it to that specific editor soon

Good luck
And God bless


On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 1:20 PM wa1fcn <wa1fcn at charter.net> wrote:

> GM All
>          This may not be the best way to ask, but I know of no other 
> way.  My local
>          contest club   ACG Alabama Contest Group is celebrating the
> 20th anniversary
>          of 9-11 . Our members will be on CW SSB RTTY and FT8. The 
> period is
>          September 5, 2021 00:00 til September 12, 2021 23:59. Our 
> call will be K4A
>         You can check  Alabama Contest Group website.   I wonder if
> anyone would
>          have an idea/ info/website   where this could be published to
> the general public?
>          We have  two members  who has done some local public relations.
> Ham wise.
>          I am looking for   a more wider group amateur or general public.
>              Any suggestions.           73    BoB WA1FCN
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