[CQ-Contest] You gotta let me know, should M/M Distributed stay or go.

Chris Plumblee chris.plumblee at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 13:29:31 EDT 2021

Absent COVID-19 and associated efforts to limit in-person contact it seems
like a solution in search of a problem. As KU8E pointed out, the
continental US zones are huge and propagation can vary significantly within
them. Zone 4 from Northeastern Ohio is a lot more like the east coast than
Zone 4 from Texas, for example. Admittedly they're not competing with
traditional M/M stations but it seems like more of an interesting
demonstration of technology than a meaningful category.

That said, any activity is good activity and CQ has done the right thing in
separating them from the other Multi-op categories. If they're going to
continue I'd like to see some competition for the RHR guys from someone,
but assembling > 1 big station in the same CQ zone and coordinating
operation with the same callsign is a non-trivial obstacle. It reminds me
of the Extreme category in CQWW that was around for a little while and then
died a quiet death several years ago...a good idea that was never truly
embraced by the community because they wanted to continue competing in the
"non-extreme" categories.

Chris W4WF

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 1:11 PM Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc at gmail.com> wrote:

> IMHO It should stay. Several not so well equipped stations with
> operators who are unable to operate full 48 hours can share their
> resources and operate only part time and yet it feels like real M/M or
> M/S. It involves co-operation, tactics, strategy planning and amplifies
> the pleasure of contesting by the number of participating operators.
> 73, Igor UA9CDC
> 02.06.2021 12:05, Stephen Bloom пишет:
> > We're now a few days past what is likely the last COVID affected
> contest.  What do y'all think should or will happen with M/M Distributed.
> Designated as a one time COVID exception, I can see this as the major
> confrontation between the pro and anti RHR camps.  Thoughts?73Steve KL7SB
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Chris Plumblee

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