[CQ-Contest] Funny/strange things heard in 'WPX

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon May 31 16:55:51 EDT 2021

Instead of b!tch!ng moaning/groaning like I sometimes do after a major
event, I will tell you a couple, umm, "funny" things I heard or experienced
during CQ WPX.  I made notes on paper of a couple of these.


One station..a SV1something insisted his call was SV1something/QRP and every
time I went back to just the base callsign (let's call him SV1XXX but I just
made that up) he would not give me a serial #.....This happened 3 or 4 times
until I said something like "NO, just SV1XXX" and then sent him the report
again. Over and over he sent /QRP, /QRP, then SV1XXX/QRP.  He came back a
few times every 5 minutes, until he just didn't.  Was I being a jerk?  Yeah,
maybe, but I will never, ever perpetuate the sending of CALLSIGN/QRP in a
contest.  "/QRP" is not your call and I won't help keep that trend going.
During the week, sure. During a contest, no.  My loss? Maybe.


One station when he missed part of my serial #, literally sent this to me
"JUST LAST NR PSE" and so I sent him just the  last numeral of the 4 digit
serial # and he sent a TU..I laughed.


I worked 2 JA's, believed to be LP..one very early, one very late...I don't
work many JA's here.  Partially because I am seldom ever looking that way
and even when I am, I'm blocked by a hill to my NW.and my stn is pretty


I worked one guy.I forget his exact call.but something like
AH2M/WN6..wouldn't it have just been easier to send "AH2M"?  Doesn't
AH2M/WN6 translate to simply a AH6 for a prefix? (Hardly seems worth it)


I decoded 3 or 4 of those reeeeeeally long EU calls on the first go (I was
so proud!) and then promptly busted super easy calls like N4ZZ to K1ZZ
(there was QRM) and AK1W (no QRM) to AC0W for some reason.  I did correct
them on the 2nd over..

I had trouble with some of the really short Italian calls.mental block on
the dits.II3S was a BLUR, but had no problem at all with SE5E (maybe because
I have worked him 100+ times in the Wed CWT's?  ) I laugh at some of my own
CW copying LIDNESS (and marvel at some random efficiencies at other times).


Why do guys with 3 and 4 letter calls send them twice? (doesn't that defeat
the whole purpose?) <scratches head>  I lost track of how many times I could
tell *just* as I was sending my report, I heard a slight part of a dit or
dash and was probably doubling with them...I got tired of hitting the escape
key then waiting, then sending them the report again.I just hit the "=" key
to resend the whole blurb again.


One guy had some kind of automated reply that was (presumably) doing a
QRZ.com lookup.  The reply after the #'s were exchanged was something like
"TU MIKE FOR THE NICE QSO".I tuned away after the word QSO.maybe the message
kept on going.


I heard several, what I think were, SSB generated Morse code signals.
Software driven encode/decode I think.  If software increases activity I am
all for it, but there are "keyers" out there (or USB cables to your
transceiver) to make your rig transmit true CW, so I think it's best that
those are employed.


One guy drifted badly outside my narrow 250Hz filter every time he started
transmitting..a very chirpy QRP(?) signal.on the 2nd or 3rd try of me trying
to get his SN, I had to follow him with the RIT.  This was the first contest
in a very long time I had to run the narrow filter on 20m.which is normally
just reserved for the noisy and packed low bands. Activity was up! A good


That's it for now..If I think of more, I'll add to the discussion, if there
is any discussion.


Relaxing today..lots of coffee. (maybe too much)








Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


Mike VE9AA




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