[CQ-Contest] Triplexer & Stacked Triband Antennas

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Oct 28 17:59:47 EDT 2021

Your questions was clear. The StackMatch is rated for 3KW CW. Array
Solutions products are pretty tough so this would probably work unless you
are running two RTTY stations. 

If you are running two stations through one StackMatch both stations have to
use the same antenna selection. Looking at the link that VA6AM posted, if
you use a triplexer for each tribander then each station can select whatever
antenna(s) they want to use. This method would easily be in the power rating
of the Stackmatches plus have more flexibility. 

BTW, Pavel makes great filters and he is a super guy to do business with.

John KK9A

w5zn wrote:

Thanks to everyone who responded. I appreciate it.

My question was poorly worded, in that I was seeking input on anyone's 
experience in transmitting two high power signals on different bands at 
the same time through a StackMatch, Not the performance of the 
triplexer. I know the triplexer design is solid.

I did receive some info specific to the StackMatch.

Thanks again es 73,

Joel W5ZN

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