[CQ-Contest] Sliding Footswitches

Duncan Fisken duncan.fisken at g3wzd.radio
Thu Nov 10 11:26:24 EST 2022

Scott, I have used Heil foot switches for years; rugged and non-slip.

Duncan, G3WZD

On 09/11/2022, 23:13, "CQ-Contest on behalf of Scott Tuthill" <cq-contest-bounces+duncan.fisken=g3wzd.radio at contesting.com <mailto:g3wzd.radio at contesting.com> on behalf of k7zo.scott at gmail.com <mailto:k7zo.scott at gmail.com>> wrote:

    I operated CQWW SSB at a QTH with tile floors in the operating room. As 
    a result, the footswitch kept sliding around and frequently required a 
    pause in my run to reposition it. I am sure others out there have faced 
    this problem. What solutions have you come up with?

    Thanks. Scott/K7ZO
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