[CQ-Contest] Sliding Footswitches

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 23:06:34 EST 2022

This may sound a little off the wall, but I've heard of people using a 
strip of velcro or other adhesive to strap the footswitch to their 
shoe.  A little inconvenient when you have to go, though

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 11/9/2022 7:22 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> We probably worked, as I/we worked on all 6 bands from the next Island over.
> (thanks!)
> I am a "footswitch guy" when I operate SSB. That habit goes back decades
> when I was a dispatcher for a spell and we had a footswitch in the radio
> room and that was it ! (I prefer CW, but that's a separate topic)
> I brought a small footswitch with me (to ZF2AA)  and it was slip sliding
> around on the nice tile floor, so I zip-tied the f/sw cable to 2 big coaxes
> that ran under the table.  When I was done CQWW SSB, I cut the zip tie as I
> am sure the stn owner would not want it there.
> At home, I have all my footswitches velcro'd down to a big plywood board
> that sits on top of a vy low wooden box.(none of it moves)
> 73 de Mike VE9AA (ZF2AA in CQWW SSB)
> I operated CQWW SSB at a QTH with tile floors in the operating room. As
>> a result, the footswitch kept sliding around and frequently required a
>> pause in my run to reposition it. I am sure others out there have faced
>> this problem. What solutions have you come up with?
>> Thanks. Scott/K7ZO
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
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